Search Results
Probing the Standard Model with rare decays at the LHCb experiment (Titus Mombächer)
LHCb Upgrades by Matteo Palutan
Dr Harry Cliff - Rare beauty - seeking new physics at the LHCb experiment
Admir Greljo: Rare b decays meet high-mass Drell-Yan
New physics hints from LHCb and g-2. Who did it better?
Flavour physics: Rare B decays and search for new physics, a theoretical review
LHCb pentaquarks as hadronic molecules
Searching for new physics with neutrinoless beta decays By Lotta Jokiniemi (ICCUB)
Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics - Thursday
Eigenbros ep 109 - Lepton Flavor Universality Violated
News from the LHCb Cavern: June 2019 Report
Stefania Gori | Probing axion like particle effective couplings at Kaon experiments